& Excel

Have your employees treat trade secrets with care and respect from their first day to their last.

Tangibly Intellectual Property Compliance Training

Intellectual Property Solutions

Organize Contracts

Trade secrets are only as strong as your contracts. Validate execution, monitor expiration dates, and more.

Tangibly Organize Contracts
Tangibly Contract X-Ray Errors

Find Errors

Sometimes small errors can have grave consequences. X-Ray help you find them quickly.

Monitor Contributions

Trade secrets are a new lever to recognize excellence. Keep track of your leaderboard.

Tangibly Monitor Contributions

Patent X-Ray greatly accelerates the time it takes to create our clients IP Strategy. What typically take 10 hours of patent analysis now takes one hour and we have a much more robust understanding of the patent-trade secret relationship.

Will Rosselin
Chief Intellectual Property Officer
PatentVest, Inc., a fully integrated IP strategy & law firm

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Ready to elevate your HR practices?

Tangibly Intellectual Property Compliance Training