Patent X-Ray™

Examples: US11817657, EP3160599, JP6255395B2, US20190345573A1

Identify trade secrets you never knew you had.

Patent X-Ray™ Features

Rapid Identification

Find trade secrets underlying patents. Our AI points you to the likely trade secrets.

Tangibly Patent X-Ray Rapid ID
Tangibly Intuitive Organzization

Intuitive Organization

Results are automatically grouped into logical categories. This helps you understand the breadth and depth of the trade secrets.

Information Mapping

Determine how well the trade secrets are described in patent specification. Quickly assess what might still qualify as a trade secret.

Information Mapping

I highly recommend Tangibly for companies at any stage. We are becoming more knowledgeable about the types of trade secrets we need to pay attention to, making us more productive and innovative. Tangibly adds a huge amount of value to our organization.

Martin Z.
Chief Technology Officer
Nutrition Technologies

Invention Disclosure

Patent X-Ray can be used as early as the invention disclosure stage. Frame up the trade secret strategy before patent drafting

Patent Disclosure of Trade Secrets
Patent X-Ray Trade Secret Disclosure Quality Control

Quality Control

Analyze patent drafts to determine the extent of trade secret disclosure. Fine-tune it before you file the patent.

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